Santiago, ..... Can you tell meYour Secret ?
Im Following My Disteny .. It's not something You would Understand ! - The Alchemist
When I hear this lost far of Piano music, I know that I can be in some kind of old lost land where the sunset is a New Bearth for everything. When it rains in the Desert and I can watch the Rainbow over this white mountains. When I can Sing freely with cardinals sad songs.

I don’t know, if it's a bad luck or not for me, not being a shepherd; but inside of me I know that I’m a traveler. My Soul is walking around freely with the sound of winds hearing the voice of God so clearly that she find it so hard to believe some times, but she knows it’s True.

Santiago, What kind of trips was his? Did he aim to show us our Destiny? … Santiago wasn’t a normal boy, maybe he didn’t admit it. His sheep know it, because she was keeping his heart as Angels. He felt it he express it in his own way. All his way, from Andalusia to Egypt, was his own rich journey that’s why he said “I’m following My Destiny” and that’s why I can say that he wasn’t show us our Destiny as much as he was an Omen to us !

“I’m Following My Destiny .. It's not something You would Understand !” that’s exactly what he said to make us meet the Alchemist of us; it’s our true spirit that can create our rare gold and make our own treasure. Now, can you see the Omen ?

When an old Mosque built beside an old Church, I see peace. When the moon meets the sun, I see passion. And, when a Grain of the vaccine fly held by the wind, I see love.. I see the beginning of everything. I see it as an Omen of Santiago and Fatima.

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