I do know myself
It’s you I don’t know ..
I have this weak heart,
I can easily fall ..
As I lean on a fake wall
White night or blue
With my Guitar or no
Cause I’m not even true ..
Replacing my heart with a hole !
Sun trying to cry with me
But why would the sun cry ?
Moon is watching the steps of me
Telling me to fly !
In a blue night ..
With no trace left of light
I surrender !
Nour Badr
Tuesday 11:00 AM
Sistrum e3050
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I Surrender !
Posted by Nour Badr at 11:47 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 27, 2010
New Moon Piano ...
What else can piano do .. Except hurting the weaves of the time then kiss the pain away ?!
Posted by Nour Badr at 4:17 AM 0 comments
Monday, October 25, 2010
Finally "Work"
Sistrum "e3050" ... Where I started my career "the first step in the world of jobs"
"Im still exploring"
Posted by Nour Badr at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
... I NEED ...
I need to Shout, I need to Scream, I need to get out from this damn box ...... Maybe I need you !
I need to explode from in to out ...... I need to speak up my theories with people who really get me and get "what freedom is" and "who to discus right"I really need to get out right now, to breath some fresh air, to create and write .. but all went to some light !
Posted by Nour Badr at 2:54 AM 0 comments
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Ra Ra "Rasputin" ..
Ra Ra Rasputin,
lover of the Russian queen...
Ra Ra Rasputin,
Russia's greatest love machine
It was a shame how he carried on !Oh, Waht days !
Posted by Nour Badr at 12:49 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 17, 2010
To Romitta .. "Big Deal"
Dear Love,
I have to record this day, this hour, this moment, these rush seconds. This evening when we first meet after this long absent, it was great moment when we hugged and kissed. But, it's not this moment i wanna talk about, i wanna record your breaking news !
OMG, I was confused, exited, happy, praying, holding my tears. I wanted to hug you, and I really Did. cause of my silence, I hoped that my hug explain it all to you. we all know what's wrong and right, we know what we agree and disagree on. So, we already mentioned this and realize what behind it, we also can see the white side of the tunnel and we already crossing it to this point. Oh, My baby, oh .. what a "Big deal" Indeed !
I love you, I love you, I love you. yesterday, today, tomorrow, it wont matter cause everyday my heart know that I love you even more !
Now I'm emotional like a happy Angel or Myself actually! . so, with all the music I love, you love, Z love .. with all the prayers of this universe, I dance saying Amen.
Friday 17/9/2010
11:30 PM
Posted by Nour Badr at 10:35 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sinai - North Sinai - Areesh
As Sinai is the Heart of Misr "Egypt" .. It Also my Heart.
Where are Beauty, Virginity, Sea, Free sky and The Red thin Line between Us and Palestine. Where Life, Peace, War, smell of Pure blood, Sacrifices, Olive and Palms. Where none weapon in our hands, UN., Tunnels to Gaza, spying, hard investment and Heavy Security presence.
I went there three times till now, and i saw this with my naked eye and closer too. But the first time was the sensitive point that fire it all inside me. To cross Suez Canal to the other side .. it's something else.
I went There and left my Heart promising to come back to be with him "My Heart"
the next day after returning
Posted by Nour Badr at 2:54 PM 0 comments
Saturday, September 4, 2010
From Nour With Love ...
Dear Zahraa "Love Seeker",
I know that you have been through lots of situations, but I also know that you are strong more than you could imagine even when you experience weakness. I see in your eyes kind of refuse to this world but you accept it as well.
Zahraa, you are sharing with me everything. When i feel fear, you get my back and provide my soul with your own power. You are in my core, and i always can be your strong side and your warm jacket when you need to get it all off you.
Posted by Nour Badr at 2:56 AM 0 comments
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 6, 2010
Silence, Night and Dreams
Just Amazing and puer ... It's really like gothering "Silence, Night & Dreams" in the most beautiful mix. that's what the real Music do. Makes you live in It, with It, beneath It & involve with It.
Posted by Nour Badr at 7:23 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Jazz At Sea Beside The River
beside the sea
remember me
write my name on a trea
"Cry me a River"
cause i still cry for you
cause you're still in me
like wild sea
Nour Badr
wednesday 28/7/2010
at 3:00 am
Posted by Nour Badr at 2:53 AM 4 comments
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Once Upon A Time
But suddenly I became good with words,
Word after word ..
With no way to return !
Have you ever heard me singing ?
Or composing poems ?
Have you ever heard me crying ?
Or even wipe away my tears ?
You’ll never be, part of me …
I was singing …
And my voice was breaking the silence,
Revealing the angelic faces ..
Word after word ,
And Smiling !
Have you ever saw me dancing ?
Or training my feet ?
Have you ever saw my falling ?
Or rising up again ?
You’ll never be, part of me …
I was singing …
And thinking of you once again
Is there any way to return ?
Cause my heart’s getting so mean …
And it may be broken once again
Have you ever tried to sing ?
Or even dance ?
Have you ever ...?
But I know,
You’ll never be one of thy
Nour Badr
Thursday 25/2/2010
6:00 pm
Posted by Nour Badr at 9:54 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
End - Beginning
In the End of this Month "June" or maybe at the Biginning of new one "July" .. I wanna say :
- - Damn !
- - I hate this World.
- - I hate what made me hate this world.
- - I hate myself cause I feel Hate !
Posted by Nour Badr at 12:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
"I'm Israel" - Documentary Film
I Think, You Have Got It "The Massege" All ... please, be active and puplish this video to show the world the real Israel.
Posted by Nour Badr at 11:10 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
RedBull X-Fighters .. We Flied There !
We were there, my best friends (Reem, Mostafa, Manar) and me. despite We didnt drink RedBull, we flied there with them with a wings of the Anciant Egyptian. Acually, we Missed you Zahraa.
I'll leave you with this amazing pictures, It was amazing show for amazing event and they said it : Egypt Show was the most amazing one till now. Thank You x-Fighters guys.
And now, it's time to celeberate and say goodbye ... "see you Next time in Russai" :D .. sure, im not going to be there ! ;)
If You wanted to watch more wonderful pictures about this event from the bigining of their visitation, please visit this site of them:
Posted by Nour Badr at 2:05 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Yesterday ...
Yesterday, He was just a boy
Yesterday, She was just a girl
They were playing,
With their dreams
The play of hide and seek
They planted their love seeds
In the middle of the sea
To grow as a young city
Chose stormy dreams
The dreams of a fighting city
Seemed so far away...
In yesterday!
Nour Badr
Friday - 30 April 2010
3:16 pm
Posted by Nour Badr at 1:25 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Postcards from Amazing Bookstores
Postcards from Amazing Bookstores
It's Like - Kill Me, Kill Me, Kill Me !
What A Massive BookStore ... Can I Reach There ?
Copy Rights :
Selexyz Dominicanen, Maastrich, Netherlands :

El Ateneo Grand Spendid, Buenos Aires, Argentina:

Posted by Nour Badr at 5:35 PM 0 comments
A poem For "Yeats"
He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven
Enwrought with the golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and half-light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams beneath your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams ...
- William Butler Yeats
Posted by Nour Badr at 12:17 AM 0 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Targeted Citizen by "Adala group"
Targeted Citizen - English from Adalah on Vimeo.
The film “Targeted Citizen” (15 minutes), produced by filmmaker Rachel Leah Jones for Adalah, surveys discrimination against the Palestinian citizens of Israel. With the participation of experts Dr. Yousef Jabareen of the Technician and Dr. Khaled Abu Asbeh of the Van Leer Institute, as well as Adalah attorneys Sawsan Zaher, Abeer Baker and Hassan Jabareen, inequality in land and housing, employment, education and civil and political rights are eloquently addressed.
These interviews are reinforced by the contrasting informality of on-the-street conversations conducted by Palestinian comic duo Shammas-Nahas and punctuated by the hard-hitting rhymes of Palestinian rap trio DAM. The film's theme song “Targeted Citizen,” written and recorded by DAM especially for Adalah, tells it like it is without missing a beat.
Posted by Nour Badr at 1:34 AM 0 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Happy B'Day !
HaPpY B'Day To Me & HaPpY B'Day My Blogs ... I finally found new customs - Style for U both.
EnjoY it ^_^
Posted by Nour Badr at 11:55 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 2, 2010
After four days ..
Today is April 2 .. I can't Believe that!
I don't know what will happen in my coming Birthday .. I bet it'll be the same here or there; same people, same acts, same words that I don't even know if it's honest from the heart or some kind of job to do.
I wanna red candle.
I know something -i hope- for sure. I'll make something different to myself this day. something special and I love and maybe alone too. even if I bought a rose. I wanna do in unexpected way. i know something else too, I'll write or put or do something here in "M i N e" and there "my Arabic blog" to be really mine. I'll wait and see what I'll bring to myself.
And hit the Music.

Posted by Nour Badr at 5:39 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Beautiful "With Her/His hand on the Heart"
"King Kong"
You should teach Humanity; How to Love Truely & Faithfully .. You couldnt Speak but You expressed your Emotion and Knew how to Smile, Laugh, Cry, Be Sad, Appreciate the Beauty, say No Agianst cruelness ....
King Kong, You Fight for your Heart & Freedom ....
King Kong, You Died hard and far away from Your Home "Stranger" ....
King Kong, You Are Beautiful "With My Hand hitting on my Heart" ....

Posted by Nour Badr at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 6, 2010
By me : Nour Badr
Tuesday in our wood store when dady arrived from Damietta.
"Face" .. In an African night full of wood scent, i held my dad charcoal pin and my small Piece of charcoal and started to draw when he was unload his goods.
Posted by Nour Badr at 3:11 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
When there are - No More Heroes
A poem to Saartjie "Sarah" Baartman (1789 – 29 December 1816) who was a woman from Khoikhoi people "Africa" taken from her people "1810" and exhibited her as freak show in 19th century - Europe under the name Hottentot Venus—"Hottentot" as the current name for the Khoikhoi people .. She treated like a weird animal, they were allowing people to watch her in this show -in a place like circus- naked and also to touch her butt -specially- cause it was strangely big. They were hitting her to stay standing till the end of the show.
Some say they forced her on prostitution making for money, and that was a great reason for her illness then death. She didn't live any good day far away from her home "South Africa" .. Even after her death, Georges Cuvier the doctor of Napoléon Bonaparte was interested in her body -not only him-; he wanted to see how it looks like inside. So, he made an anatomy operation on her after 24 hours from her death to prove that the African bodies are alike monkeys despite Europeans people as they are the high type "Gender Commissioner". He robbed of the brain and some sensitive parts, and kept them in formalin, and then kept the majority of the structure to make a template for the body. He showed - some say her body and some say only this parts- in Musee de l'Homme (Museum of Mankind) in Paris until 1994.
President Nelson Mandela formally requested to have her remains back from France. After much legal wrangling and debates in the French National Assembly, France accepted the request on 6 March 2002. Her remains were repatriated to her homeland, the Gamtoos Valley, on 6 May 2002 and she was finally laid to rest on 9 August 2002 on Vergaderingskop, a hill in the town of Hankey over 200 years after her birth.
Baartman became an icon in South Africa as representative of many aspects of the nation's history. The Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children, a refuge for survivors of domestic violence, opened in Cape Town in 1999. South Africa's first offshore environmental protection vessel, the Sarah Baartman, is also named after her. The furor over the gender of athlete Caster Semenya has led to comparison with Baartman, as South Africa is, after centuries of racial classification, understandably reluctant to allow outsiders to decide who belongs in one group or another.
P.S from me : Wiki. in English and Arabic contain lots of wrong info & ideas about her. So, take care when you get your info about someone or something so sensitive like this woman and this era.
Nour Badr, Dr. Ahmed Khaled Tawfik and Wiki.
Diana Ferrus, "A poem for Sarah Baartman"
"I've come to take you home "
home, remember the veld?
the lush green grass beneath the big oak trees
the air is cool there and the sun does not burn.
I have made your bed at the foot of the hill,
your blankets are covered in buchu and mint,
the proteas stand in yellow and white
and the water in the stream chuckle sing-songs
as it hobbles along over little stones.
I have come to wrench you away -
away from the poking eyes
of the man-made monster
who lives in the dark
with his clutches of imperialism
who dissects your body bit by bit
who likens your soul to that of Satan
and declares himself the ultimate god!
I have come to soothe your heavy heart
I offer my bosom to your weary soul
I will cover your face with the palms of my hands
I will run my lips over lines in your neck
I will feast my eyes on the beauty of you
and I will sing for you
for I have come to bring you peace.
I have come to take you home
where the ancient mountains shout your name.
I have made your bed at the foot of the hill,
your blankets are covered in buchu and mint,
the proteas stand in yellow and white -
I have come to take you home
where I will sing for you
for you have brought me peace."
Posted by Nour Badr at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Sinai >>
Posted by Nour Badr at 6:18 PM 0 comments
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Call Him "Modi" ...
They -specially He- added so much in a short time ... He gave his spirit as a internal gift to our world ... So, Dear Modi, I light up all the red Candles and spread my Yellow, Purple & Blue roses around your Grave like a far Spring in the roads of lovers who really appreciate the scent of Beauty ...

to know more - and you should - ..... open this :
Posted by Nour Badr at 4:46 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Omens ...
Santiago, ..... Can you tell meYour Secret ?
Im Following My Disteny .. It's not something You would Understand ! - The Alchemist
When I hear this lost far of Piano music, I know that I can be in some kind of old lost land where the sunset is a New Bearth for everything. When it rains in the Desert and I can watch the Rainbow over this white mountains. When I can Sing freely with cardinals sad songs.

I don’t know, if it's a bad luck or not for me, not being a shepherd; but inside of me I know that I’m a traveler. My Soul is walking around freely with the sound of winds hearing the voice of God so clearly that she find it so hard to believe some times, but she knows it’s True.

Santiago, What kind of trips was his? Did he aim to show us our Destiny? … Santiago wasn’t a normal boy, maybe he didn’t admit it. His sheep know it, because she was keeping his heart as Angels. He felt it he express it in his own way. All his way, from Andalusia to Egypt, was his own rich journey that’s why he said “I’m following My Destiny” and that’s why I can say that he wasn’t show us our Destiny as much as he was an Omen to us !

“I’m Following My Destiny .. It's not something You would Understand !” that’s exactly what he said to make us meet the Alchemist of us; it’s our true spirit that can create our rare gold and make our own treasure. Now, can you see the Omen ?

When an old Mosque built beside an old Church, I see peace. When the moon meets the sun, I see passion. And, when a Grain of the vaccine fly held by the wind, I see love.. I see the beginning of everything. I see it as an Omen of Santiago and Fatima.

Posted by Nour Badr at 4:00 PM 0 comments