Friday, September 17, 2010

To Romitta .. "Big Deal"

Dear Love,

I have to record this day, this hour, this moment, these rush seconds. This evening when we first meet after this long absent, it was great moment when we hugged and kissed. But, it's not this moment i wanna talk about, i wanna record your breaking news !
OMG, I was confused, exited, happy, praying, holding my tears. I wanted to hug you, and I really Did. cause of my silence, I hoped that my hug explain it all to you. we all know what's wrong and right, we know what we agree and disagree on. So, we already mentioned this and realize what behind it, we also can see the white side of the tunnel and we already crossing it to this point. Oh, My baby, oh .. what a "Big deal" Indeed !

I love you, I love you, I love you. yesterday, today, tomorrow, it wont matter cause everyday my heart know that I love you even more !
Now I'm emotional like a happy Angel or Myself actually! . so, with all the music I love, you love, Z love .. with all the prayers of this universe, I dance saying Amen.

From N with Amore,
Friday 17/9/2010
11:30 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Sinai - North Sinai - Areesh

As Sinai is the Heart of Misr "Egypt" .. It Also my Heart.

Where are Beauty, Virginity, Sea, Free sky and The Red thin Line between Us and Palestine. Where Life, Peace, War, smell of Pure blood, Sacrifices, Olive and Palms. Where none weapon in our hands, UN., Tunnels to Gaza, spying, hard investment and Heavy Security presence.

I went there three times till now, and i saw this with my naked eye and closer too. But the first time was the sensitive point that fire it all inside me. To cross Suez Canal to the other side .. it's something else.

I went There and left my Heart promising to come back to be with him "My Heart"

Nour Badr

the next day after returning

Saturday, September 4, 2010

From Nour With Love ...

Dear Zahraa "Love Seeker",

I know that you have been through lots of situations, but I also know that you are strong more than you could imagine even when you experience weakness. I see in your eyes kind of refuse to this world but you accept it as well.

Zahraa, you are sharing with me everything. When i feel fear, you get my back and provide my soul with your own power. You are in my core, and i always can be your strong side and your warm jacket when you need to get it all off you.

P.S I love You
