This's a link for a documentary Film about the Holy Prophet Muhammad .. and all the following info. from the same link ..
(I'm A Muslim, And I'm Proud)
Muhammad Legacy of Prophet
1:53:49 - 1 year ago
Muhammad Legacy of Prophet This documentary Film about the Holy Prophet and prayers for better delivery movie tells the story of the seventh century prophet, which changed world history in 23 years, and continue the formation of life More than 1.2 billion people.
The film takes viewers not only to the Middle East ancient sites Mohammed reflected in the story, but to homes and mosques and sites of some of the work American Muslims who arrive Their number to seven million Muslims, for the discovery of several forms of those who follow the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ( Muhammad Legacy of Prophet ) Film production by channel (PBS) of America ..
Terms of production and preparation .. show for the first time on December 18, 2002 to watch the millions .. Then re-broadcast the film in other channels more than 500 times and translated into some 12 languages Re-introduced in a number of countries and is also available in more than 23 schools and libraries Strong reaction from the American side, where the channel channel (PBS) Received more than 8000 e-mail! During the first month of supply and press, which Interaction with largely positive.
film show personality Prophet Muhammad and his religion .. Holy Prophet in a aspect very wonderful All this is based on the novels (correct) Mentioned by historians and intellectuals and university professors in the United States of America ------------- For more information on the movie channel, please visit the product Web site:
Or more information about the Prophet Muhammad Visit the site of Prophet Mohammed of Islam :